PART 4...
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THE NICOLA TESLA MUSEUM This masterpiece was just next to me, 1.5 kms apart, which houses a huge collection of Nicola Tesla’s work who’s known for his remarkable contribution in the fields of Electromagnetism and wireless radio communications. The museum is like a small world of Tesla wherein one can upgrade himself with any form of information viz. books, journals, original documents, photographs etc. apart from this, there’s always a person as a guide who’s well versed with at least two languages to help enlighten the visitors about this great personality and his contributions to the society aiming to bring life at ease. Being an Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunication, I was lucky to witness Tesla’s experiments through demos, it reminded me of many of the curricular activities that I had come across during my college days. A wish to be here can cost you around 500 Serbian dinar which was nothing compared to the stuff that you get to...
PART 3...
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Kalemegdan, as I would like to imagine it, may have been a believer of “Atithi Devo Bhava” or maybe it must’ve liked being generous towards its frequent visitors! As I had become one of them, I had the pleasure of enjoying one of its sweet surprise! Yes, I’m talking about that Serbian guy who had approached me with Namaste . He had a simple look and must have entered his forty’s. The streak of unusual surprises that I was experiencing since the beginning, hadn’t given up on me I guess! I greeted him back, and our further conversation went on in English. I came to know that he had guessed about my nationality looking at my attire and looks (in a positive way, nothing racist!). He happened to be someone who I can frankly say to be unique as, in today’s technology driven world, he was someone who had kept himself away from android and virtual media, and mostly was fond of newspaper reading and other printed media. He had read a lot about India and eventually had started to like the c...
किस्सा पांढऱ्या - शहराचा
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नमस्कार रसिक आणि कोविड - १९ च्या विळख्यात अडकून नवनवीन उपक्रम राबवून आनंद देणारे आणि घेणार्यांन्नो, हा माझा पहिलाच सादरीकरणाचा छोट्या कथेचा प्रयत्न अर्थात मराठीतच. "TAKSH" च्या मंचावर घेऊन येत आहे Quarantine च्या दोन महिन्यान आधीचा लख्ख आंबट गोड अनुभव. वाचताना कदाचित वाटेल छान पण प्रत्यक्षात मात्र त..त...प...प... असो, जास्त वेळ वाया न घालवता मी मुद्यावर येऊन एक वास्तविकेला छेडणाऱ्या कल्पकतेला वाव आणते आणि ती प्रस्तुत करते. कामांमधून थोडीशी फुरसत मिळावी यासाठी केलेला छोटासा आराखडा म्हणजेच एका देशाला दिलेली भेट. पांढरा शहर फक्त ऐकलेलं, कधी डोळयांनीपण लगेच पाहीन म्हणजे नुकत्याच गोड दर्वळलेल्या सुगंधाची जिलेबी ताटलीत येऊन लगेच खायलाही मिळेल, असच काहीसं. प्रयन्तांच्या जोरावर मिळालेला एक आशेचा किरण मात्र परदेश भ्रमणात सूर्योदय आणि सूर्यस्ताची लगेचच भेट घालवून देईल हे मात्र नवलच. थोडा आलंकारिक वाक्यरचनेचा भाग बाजूला ठेवला तर सांगायचा मुद्दा इतकाच कि, परदेशी लोकांचा भारतीयांविषयीच्या संकल्पना म्हणजे भारतीयांनाच नव्याने कळलेल्या गोष्टी. कदाचि...
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Sustainability is important for many reasons. Jewellery is often associated with treasure – gold, gemstones, valuable materials and it is considered to be objects of intrinsic beauty. I prehistoric times, long before humans worked metals, jewelery was made of non precious materials. Jewellery was an early form of decorative art. Jewelry is as old as humankind. Whether coming from a primitive culture or modern civilization regardless of material and style, humans of both genders and all age groups have the need for personal adornment. In prehistoric time jewellery wasn’t only ornaments rather it means of communication. Hierarchy, prestige, power expressed through it. Now a days the creativity of goldsmith is boundless. Pottery, one of the oldest and most widespread of the decorative arts. Like all other handicrafts and crafts, the tradition of pottery making in India is very old. Pottry is one of those where pottery artist express their emotions. In preh...
PART 2...
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So, there’s a new girl in the city with no belongings of her own, thanks to the airline staff! I could understand we all are humans, we make mistakes and I wanted to understand that and take things peacefully but the cold weather there was in no mood to provide support as it remained the way it was, refusing to improve! Anyways, there was nothing that could’ve been done but to wait for at least 2 days for my luggage! After a while the hosts of the organizing committee had arrived for my welcome when we further went to the guest house which was pre-booked for the members. I may have been the last one to arrive there as I saw most of the candidates already present ...
PART 1...
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Bonjour! Namaste, to all our readers. Yes, WE took quite long to be back! But as we know, good things take time. My sudden vanish for a while, was the break I needed. It was something that almost everyone dreams of, and it was indeed fruitful and productive enough as I utilized it for my first trip outside the country. No!..... not the destinations many people normally visit during their international tours, but a different one, not known to many and with an altogether different purpose. With thirst to get some such sort of locations, I started surfing the internet and came across an organization which offers a platform for a cultural exchange programs wherein people from different parts of the world come together to represent their country’s tradition and culture. Sounds more like me, who believes in the same and also love to explore various places, national and if get the chance, even beyond….. So finally, the ‘WHERE’ got sorted out, and now the proceeding began.. It c...